» Fiction » Destined (To Be Yours) by Anaya Phoenix (books on motivation .txt) 📕

Book online «Destined (To Be Yours) by Anaya Phoenix (books on motivation .txt) 📕». Author Anaya Phoenix

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his brain. Little flashes of images flicked through his brain. Luna, Ander, Drew, Valerie. His wolf stiffened at the memory of their mate. She was floating in the air, right above him. She looked down at him with big brown eyes, her small pink lips bowing up into a small smile. God, what she could do with those lips… He needed to get laid. If our mate was here, his wolf started, we wouldn’t have to get laid. Tired of having the same conversation Brandon rolled to his side and got up, then lifted the couch. His head throbbed and he groaned deeply, wobbling to the kitchen. Not only did he need to get laid, he also needed some Excedrin.

“One hell of a night you’ve had.” Thomas said, walking in with no shirt on and pajama pants on. They were a little gift from Molly last Christmas, the words bad dog were written in red over a black dog house. A gift that a wife gives to a husband.
“What the hell happened?” Brandon asked, running the water and putting his mouth under it guzzling down the cold water.
“Why don’t you tell me how much you remember and we’ll work from there.” Thomas said putting on coffee. Brandon went on to tell him the little bits and pieces he remembered, which wasn’t much, occasionally gulping from the faucet. Thomas sighed and rubbed his forehead.
“Ah jeez. I can’t protect you from the wrath of the females, but I can give you one tip.” Said his Alpha exasperatedly.
“And what would that tip be?” Brandon asked, shutting the water off to hear the tip clearly.
“Running only pisses them off, they don’t like working when they’re kicking your ass.”

Valerie groaned as she sat up from her bed, her head throbbing in pain. She grabbed her head with both hands and squeezed her eyes closed tightly. She was losing a grip on the amount of pain he was feeling. She couldn’t let that happen. With a small yelp of pain she pulled all the pain in, gathering all of her strength. She kept pulling until she couldn’t feel any more pain from him, until she’d put all the pain onto herself. That’s what she’d been doing for the past eight years. Sucking in all of his pain so he wouldn’t feel it.
“Why do you keep doing it if it hurts you so much?” Ander asked, having heard her sound of pain. His big blue eyes watched her with sadness and curiosity with, barely there, hatred.
“Because that’s what good mates do. They protect each other, they shield each other from harm. If it means I have to get hurt to protect him, then so be it. I love him, it doesn’t matter that he doesn’t love me back. The only thing that matters is that I love him.” She told the small boy, he griped the doorknob as his eyes flashed to amber.
“He doesn’t deserve you.” He growls, even with her lacking hearing abilities she could hear the metal bend under his grasp.
“It doesn’t matter what he does or doesn’t deserve. He has me, I’m not going away that easy.”

Brandon came up with some mindless excuse and managed to escape the house. The wind whipped around his short blond hair, making it slap across his forehead. He felt better than he had when he had woken up, more free. However that happened. Now that his need for Excedrin had been handled he could focus more on his more… dire needs. His wolf pined for her, begged for him to go to her to sate their needs. Brandon wouldn’t allowed himself to be swayed. She was evil! She’d killed his kind without a second thought, he wouldn’t bring himself to be with her. He wasn’t that selfish. Whipping out his cell phone he dialed the only person he knew that could and would help him with is problem. If he paid for it.

She had been making the twins breakfast when she felt it, the churning in her stomach and the pain in her heart. He was doing it again. At first it made her sad, the thought that he slept with someone else while the mate bond between them was still there. But, by now, it only pissed her off. Here she was, a perfectly capable female, not cheating on him while he was off gallivanting with whatever whore he could put his little hands on. She’d been offered countless times in England, and each time she declined. She knew if she were to walk out the door and go to any bar she would get invitations to a bed. That didn’t mean she would take it! Sighing she blocked him out and smashed the peanut butter and jelly sandwich together.
“He’s made you angry again, hasn’t he?” Anna asked somberly as she picked her and her brothers plate up from the counter.
“He’s done it again! Doesn’t he think before he acts?” Ander growls, his fists knotting up by his sides
“Ander, Anna. What happens in her life is none of your business. Shouldn’t you guys be doing something productive of your time. Like, I dunno, drawing or watching television or something?” Drew said from the threshold of the kitchen.
“But dad, he’s hurting her!” Anna whined, her small lip quivering automatically making Valerie want to hold her. Anna was an Omega, a very dangerous one at that. An Omega was a wolf that had all the attributes of being an Alpha. Which automatically put any Alpha anywhere on Earth on a standstill. In their mind they should be one and only. Conceited, cocky and possessive. That’s what an Alpha was. That was not what an Omega was. An Omega was, in essence, everything and Alpha was. They were fiercely protective, loyal and loving. They would rather slay themselves than have a person hurt. The difference between Alpha and Omega was that they didn’t feel the need to fight, nor did they have the tendency to let their egos get in the way.
“What did I say about using your powers against your father, Anna?” Sarah asked, walking in wearing nothing but a light camisole and pajama shorts.
“I’m not using my power against anyone, mother, I’m merely stating evidence.” Anna spat back, anger clearly in her eyes. It was no secret that mother and daughter did not get along. Whatever chance they could they would glare at each other and butt heads. No one could deny the love there, though, you’d have to be an idiot to miss it. Sarah opened her mouth to reply but was cut off when there was a knock at the door. Drew and Sarah stood in defense, ready to attack whoever was at the door. Valerie sighed and shook her head, muttering under her breath.
“silly paranoid wolves.” She opened the door and was surprised to see LunaRosa there with all of the Greene children.
“We want to invite the whelps to play football with us.” Luna said then growled slightly when Alissa elbowed her in her side.
“Fine, we would like to invite the Mascot children to a very fair, very clean game of football. If their parents and their fey- ouch! Fine! And you- would allow it?” Rosa said, rubbing her ribcage. A sound of panic flew from Anna’s mouth, at the same time Sarah and Drew smiled maliciously at each other.

“It would make us absolutely delighted if y’all played a nice game of football.”

Chapter 8

Brandon’s stomach knotted in twists as he realized he would be seeing Valerie, for real this time. He would be able to see her pale blue eyes, smell the scent of her in his nose, feel the curves of her- wait, no. He wouldn’t touch her, couldn’t. He wouldn’t allow himself to be sucked into the mating frenzy.
“I’m still pretty pissed at you, ya know? But since you’re my friend I will refrain from kicking your ass. But, if you pull another stunt like this… Let’s just say you’re little pal there will have a nice funeral.” Molly said as she packed some Capris Sun into a diaper bag.
“Thank you?” Brandon said, unsure as he ran his hands through his hair. Molly looked at him over the kitchen island and sighed.
“Brandon, why’d you deny her? Everything would be so much easier if you just-“
“Because she hurt us, she hurt us without a single fucking care.” Brandon hissed, slamming his palms down on the island counter, sick and tired of the same conversation.
“No, she didn’t. She helped thousands of us go free, she fixed all of our family and saw that we made it back-“ Molly said, moving to the island and leaning forward ever so slightly.
“No she fucking didn’t!!” Brandon roared, his eyes swirling amber. Molly felt Thomas move closer to the kitchen.
‘No, I got this.’ She told him through the pack connection and felt his wolf grumble.

“Then how did Thomas come back, huh? How did he come back to me?” Molly challenged.
“Mother Moon-“
“Well! I’m glad I decided to drop by, seems like someone has been giving Mother Moon a little too much praise.” Said The Black Luna as she casually strolled in with a man hot on her heels. Thomas then, as casually as he could, stepped into the kitchen and walked to where Molly stood. He put a hand on her wrist and squeezed lightly, a sign of dominance and possession.
“Why not just write your name in sharpie on my forehead and pee on me?” She snapped and snatched her wrist from his grasp. She walked to Marissa and hugged her lightly then looked to the man. And what a man did her eyes see. His olive skin portrayed his ethnicity and his white t-shirt portrayed that he had muscles. A lot of muscles. But, sadly, that just didn’t do it for her anymore. She preferred long black hair, a sculpted nose, and meaty thighs. Mm, how she loved meaty thighs. She could smell her arousal and snapped out of her daydream. She blushed deeply and crossed her eyes at the upcoming drama that was sure to surface.
“Molly.” Thomas growled and she cleared her throat.
“I’m Molly Greene, Luna of the Tiburon pack. Nice to meet you…” She trailed off and inclined her head.
“Marco Suave.” He answered, his Spanish accent making the words come out smoothly. Molly raised a brow and smirked.
“Suave? Really? You’re not pulling my tail here, your last name is actually Suave?” She asked, humor lacing her tone.
“Molly can I talk to you for a minute?” Thomas said, anger drowning his tone.
“Me first.” Marissa said as she grabbed Molly’s hand and stormed into the hallway.
“Ok, one, you are the most badass person I know. Save Luna and Sarah of course. Two, I’m gonna teach you how to control your emotions better because Thomas is damn near ready to throw you over his knee and give you a right and proper spanking. I don’t know how you guys roll or anything…” She made a rolling motion that made Molly chortle.
“And three, please just stay away from Marco.” She said, her voice serious now. Molly crinkled her brow and frown, she’d never heard Marissa sound this serious.
“Why? Is he dangerous, can he hurt the kids?”
“It’s not that. More like he’s my mate and my wolf

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