» Fiction » Destined (To Be Yours) by Anaya Phoenix (books on motivation .txt) 📕

Book online «Destined (To Be Yours) by Anaya Phoenix (books on motivation .txt) 📕». Author Anaya Phoenix

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fact that a death had just happened. His parents wouldn’t be able to take all the questions that the little ones had, but he would be able to. Hopefully.
“Thank you Jesse.” Molly whispered, kneeling down next to her lifeless friend. JJ looked to him and dipped his head, the action threw Jesse off. He hadn’t expected his nephew to be nice to him after his harsh words. Lina, Libby, and Aubrey each made their way towards him, their eyes watery and their lips shaking. He had no doubt that they would cry as soon as they were in their room, he had to prepare himself. They, Libby and Lina took his hand and Aubrey took JJ’s. He looked to his cousin, then walked out of the eating room and up the stairs.

Molly kneeled there by her friend, the one that comforted her when she came into town. She brushed his sandy blond hair back and quivered her lip at the feeling of his cold skin. He was dead. She wished that his face would, once again, light up in that familiar smile of his, the one that spread so wide it crinkled his eyes, and tell her it was all a joke. She wished that he would hug her and tell her not to cry, and indulge her immature ideas of Thomas. But he wouldn’t, he could never do that again because of… her. Molly growled low in her throat and looked to her daughter.
“Molly, think it through.” Marissa said low in her throat and suddenly Molly didn’t feel so murderous. Omega.

“Don’t work your bullshit power on me, omega.” She snapped to Marissa's mate who only smiled at her in answer.
“I can assure you I have no idea what you’re talking about.” His accent only worked to aggravate her even more, then again for it to be demolished by his power.
“Omega.” Thomas growled in warning, only to have Marissa growl at him.
“Why don’t we all calm down. Emotions are high because of… this. We all just need to settle down and call the rest of the pack.” Sarah said soothingly, discreetly sidling in between Thomas and Marco.
“Don’t tell me how to run my pack. Emphasis on ‘my’.” Thomas snarled to her, only then to be snarled at by Drew.

“Settle down Tom, she’s right. We all need to calm down.” Drew said lowly, his eyes struggling to remain black. Molly took a look at her friend and pressed a fragile kiss to his cold forehead.
“I’m so sorry this happened to you Brandon, so sorry. May Mother Moon bless you and welcome you into her arms with an open heart.” With that, and one tear in her eye, she lifted her head and let out a soulful howl, welcoming the others that howled with her.

Jesse looked up at the sound of the knock on the door, he was currently in Aubrey’s room stroking her hair while she slept. Anna stood there her arms crossed and her hip cocked.
“I figured I could try and help you out.” She whispered as she walked deeper in to the room. She stood and watched him as he stroked his little sisters hair, smiling only a little.
“I have enough help, thanks.” Jesse said dismissively, but softly.
“I wasn’t talking about with the children. I’m sure your feelings must be bouncing off the walls. Wanna talk about it?” She replied kindly, sitting on the floor in front of him. his hand stilled for a brief second as he looked to herm but then he continued. Neither talked for a while, listening to the soft breathing of Aubrey and trying to block out the sounds of the adult’s mourning.
“I just- I don’t wanna end up like him. He was so strong that it blinded him, he didn’t see that he needed Valerie more than his next breath. I don’t want to be like that but I feel like if I’m not strong people will use that against me and make me weak, make O-“ He stopped an looked to her, his green eyes twinkling with a very strong emotion. Anna couldn’t pinpoint it.
“Make you Omega?” She asked softly and he nodded, going back to his stroking. She stood and closed the distance between them. She wrapped her arms around him and pushed the hurt that she felt into a soothing effect.
“Just because your Omega, doesn’t make you weak. It makes you human, and some humans aren’t weak. Just like your little friend Isabel.” She whispered into his ear and rubbed his back. He stilled, he wasn’t used to many people hugging him, save for his parents.
“It’s ok to hug me back ya know? I won’t suddenly think your some pansy little boy.” She joked and he huffed once and hugged her back. He was strong, stronger than he looked. He buried his face into her stomach and squeezed her tiny body into his. She felt wetness and realized he was crying, it stunned her but she said nothing. She only pushed more of her magick into him and rubbed his back. His shoulders shook with the intensity of his emotions and she closed her eyes. She was going to have to sing, she hated doing that. She sung a soft lullaby, sliding her hands over his messy red hair and let all of her power seep into him. Slowly his cries diminished, but she didn’t move until they were completely gone.

Chapter 11

JJ helped Lina and Libby into their bunk beds and comforted them as they cried, but not as much as he would like. He was still pretty raw from his mother’s departure, he doubted he could be much help to the little ones but he could try. As he rocked Libby back and forth and hummed low in his throat he could feel that he was being watched. He looked up to find his grandmother with a watery smile.
“Are they Ok?” She asked softly, stepping further into the room and looking at her sleeping children.
“As Ok as they can be.” He replied meekly and she nodded, she turned to walk away but he stopped her.
“Why did she name me after him? Why did she name me after the person that broke her heart and caused her so much pain?” He asked, his voice cracking under the weight of his emotion.
“You’ve got to understand, JJ, that she loved your father much. And you resemble him very much. I don’t think she named you after him, per se, more like her wolf did. After a wolf has been rejected, the person sort of turns inside out. It’s no longer man and wolf, it’s wolf and man. She wouldn’t eat, wouldn’t sleep, wouldn’t even look at anyone until he came back. He never did. She was in the deepest depression I’ve ever seen. Nobody could pinpoint exactly why your father left, for the first month of her pregnancy. When she kept growing and growing after that we knew. JJ your father is an Alpha, and your mom is an Omega. Alpha and Omega don’t mix together the right way. Think of- think of it as vinegar and baking soda. Alpha’s are the vinegar and Omega’s are the baking soda. Separate, they’re Ok, but together you’ve got a recipe for a volcano that’s waiting to erupt. That’s why he left, your mother didn’t understand at the time and she was still madly in love with him. Her wolf named you after him because you are the one thing that she loved more than him.” Molly explained, tears streaming down her cheeks.
“M-mom’s an Omega?” He asked the only question that his mind was able to wrap itself around.
“That’s why when she had the nightmares and felt distressed your wolf was ready and alert to help.”

Chapter 12

He fell asleep with her in his arms in his sisters bed he didn’t care what his father would say. He had a breakdown and he wouldn’t let it happen again. He just needed to have it this one time, just this once and everything would be ok. She had wrapped herself around his head, her light snoring in his ear woke him up. Aubrey had already left the room and they had taken up most the bed. Some big brother he was.
“Anna. Anna, get up.” He grumbled, patting her leg.
“I DON’T WANT TO SING MARY HAD A LITTLE LAMB!” She creamed, sitting up looking ravaged. He widened his eyes and struggled to hold in his laughter. She huffed and straightened her bed frenzied hair.
“Shut up, what time is it?” She asked running a hand over her face and looking around. She looked to Jesse and frowned.
“We went to sleep in your sisters bed, didn’t we?” He nodded and she sighed.
“I hate being an Omega.” She grumbled as she stood, he reached out and grabbed her arm.
“Hey, don’t ever say that. Being an Omega is awesome, I wish I was one.” He said softly and she smiled a little, taking her arm from his grasp.
“Thanks, but your soft tone falls on deaf ears. I will forever and always hate what I am. No way you, A Greene child, is going to deter me from that.” She said coldly and turned on her hell, then flounced out of Aubrey’s room. He gaped after her and blinked once. That was pretty much all he did.

The funeral was to be the next day, all the pack dressed in black and attended. Tears were shared, as were the hugs and promises that everything would be fine. Everyone excepted what had happened, they figured if their Red Luna had done it, then surely Mother Moon had planned this out. It was supposed to be. No one knew how bad Luna felt. She didn’t see that coming, and she normally saw everything come. She knew what all the wolves would do before she would but, for some reason, she didn’t see him jumping in front of Ander. In fact, if she thought about it, she couldn’t see anything past her throwing the power at Ander. That meant…
“That bitch.” She cursed under her breath, a throat cleared behind her and she looked up to see Ander staring at her with his arms crossed.
“Why didn’t you control it?” He asked and she narrowed her eyes at him.
“I couldn’t. She wanted it to happen, I don’t know why. She made my control slip for the shortest amount o time, and I threw it.”
“Are you really going to lie to me? Are you actually going to sit there and

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