» Fiction » Destined (To Be Yours) by Anaya Phoenix (books on motivation .txt) 📕

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wants to chop your head off right now.”

Valerie got out of the car slowly and rubbed her temples. Staying in a car with damn near the whole Greene family was mind testing. They had driven the kids to a park with a field that was almost empty. There were a couple of families scattered here and there but they had enough space for a game of football. The eldest kids were giddy to tackle and hurt each, whereas the youngest were just happy to see their parents. They ran to their mother and father and hugged them, stating how much they missed them. Molly and Thomas merely smiled and kissed their children’s head. Sarah and Drew stretched and puffed out their cheeks, looked to each and smiled. They were almost too identical now. Ander and Anna got out of the car and looked to their parents.
“Daddy you can’t possibly be thinking of actually making me go.” Anna whined and Ander rolled his eyes then loped to where the eldest stood.
“Anna go play.” Sarah said, her smile sliding off her face. Anna threw a look at her mother and rolled her eyes.
“Daddy, please. I don’t want to play.” Anna said, making a habit of ignoring her mother. Sarah narrowed her eyes and took a step toward the girl.
“Do not think that because your father is Alpha and I’m not that I’m below him and you, because I can assure you I’m not. You will listen to me, because I am your mother. You will listen to me, because I rank higher than you. Every. Single. Time. Got it, Omega?” Sarah growled, her eyes flashing to amber. Anna opened her mouth in shock and tears watered her eyes. Real ones. Sarah’s eyes faded back to black as she saw the tears and she put a hand over her mouth.
“Baby, I’m-“ Anna ran away, her red hair flying as she ran to her twin, wrapping her arms around him. Ander immediately held her, putting his chin on her head the eldest looked on with worried faces but otherwise said nothing. Sarah looked mortified as her hand shook over her mouth. Valerie looked down and turned to walk towards the kids, only to be stopped by a blunt force and tingles. Brandon. She looked up at him and the spit went dry in her mouth.
“What happened to Anna?” His voice was gruff as his eyes portrayed how close he was to shifting.
“Sarah’s mouth got ahead of her.” Valerie said lightly and shrugged. His eyes melted to black as he chuckled, she smiled and looked down.
“It does that sometimes. I remember one time she was in high school she somehow managed to talk herself into a whole year of detention.” He said and laughed at the joyous memory. She laughed with him and their eyes locked. Their faces slowly melted as the strand of vision between them got stronger.
“I’m glad you guys are finally getting smart, but I need Valerie. My mate is having an emotional break down right now and unless you guys want me to go wolf right now, I suggest she help us.” Drew said as he clutched his sobbing mate in his arms. Valerie looked to her mate, whose face had returned to that of a statue, and sighed softly. One can only hope. 

Brandon watched as his mate- no, Valerie- put a helpful hand on Sarah’s shoulder. His friends face cleared up and she sniffled one last time.
“I’ve ruined the fragile relationship that I had between Anna and I. She’s really going to hate me now.” Sarah whined and her face crumpled up as more tears threatened her eyes.
“You haven’t ruined the relationship between you and your daughter. She’s just a little emotional right now.” A male voice said, one that he was familiar with but still didn’t like. He shot his eyes toward Marco and he struggled to gold in his growl. He walked the distance between him and Valerie and stood next to her, close enough that their arms touched. She was too short to reach his shoulders. He heard the small intake of breath she took, he had to struggle to keep the smirk off of his face. He was enjoying her presence too much.
“I basically said she was useless to me though, you can’t mend that huge blow to the face.” Sarah said, somewhat taken by his looks. Brandon rolled his eyes, he wasn’t even that hot.
“Omega’s can be a little bit too much sometimes and for that I apologize.” Marco said in a Spanish drawl, Brandon narrowed his eyes at Sarah’s giggle as she shook her head. The fuck?
“You don’t have to apologize, it isn’t your fault.” Her voice had gone high and sugary, making Brandon’s eyebrows raise. He looked down to Valerie only to see she had a goofy smile on her face that didn’t look believable at all.
“I feel as if I do.” Marco knew what he was doing, Brandon could see the small smile on the man’s rough face.
“You don’t, believe me you’ve got nothing to apologize for anything.” Valerie said in a dreamy voice that Brandon crossed his eyes at.
“Are you guys coming or not!!!???” Thomas yelled at the people by the car.
“I’m getting there.” He heard Valerie mumble and he choked out a laugh and a growl. She snapped out of her stupor and looked at him with a raised brow. He understood with it said, didn’t’ mean he had to address it. He put a stern face on and ignored it. She choked out a humorless laugh and shook her head.
“Each and every time. I’m going over there, I think the kids are ready to start.” She grumbled and turned to walk over there. Brandon stopped her though, he didn’t know why but he did. He put his hand on the soft part of her wrist and squeezed, feeling the tingles shoot up his arm.
“I’m sorry, really.” He said softly, his voice bordering on a whisper. Her eyes flashed in pain as his words dug in and she snatched her wrist from him.
“I don’t need your stupid apology.” She growled and stormed away from him, he knew she was angry at him but he honestly could care less. Not when her ass moved like that.

Chapter 9

The adults winded up having to play, being that the youngest couldn’t. So as they lined up on each side, the mates opposite each other, something seemed to fuel the game. Molly and Thomas used the lust that always seemed to be in between them, Sarah and Drew used their strong love that would never die, and Marissa and Marco used their differences. Brandon and Valerie seemed too be the only screw up of the whole equation. They glared at each other over the tiny space that separated each other, both trying to ignore the mating tingles that swamped their bodies.
“Blue, 22. Blue, 22. Hike!” Luna yelled as she hiked the ball to Jesse. Instantly the adults swarmed, trying to block the children from moving and trying to stop Jesse from throwing the ball. Brandon saw the opening Alissa had, knew Jesse was going to throw it to her, but couldn’t do anything about it. His mate had barreled him to the ground and pinned him there. Each wrist was held down by a hand and she smiled down at him.
“Got you.” She said breathlessly then got up, he blinked in surprise. How had she done that? He’d been in tune with his surroundings, she shouldn’t have been able to do that. She held her hand out to him and he pushed it away, desperately trying to pull his cold façade back on. She crinkled her brow but said nothing and focused on the game. Alissa had made a touchdown and the kids on his side threw him dirty looks. He merely shrugged and lined back up.
“Blue, 53. Blue, 53. Hike!!” Luna yelled and hiked the ball to Jesse again, this time Brandon focused and ran to tackle Cara, knowing he was going to throw it there. His upper body fell down to the ground as heavy force wrapped around him. He fell on his stomach and grazed his chin on the cold dirt. He heard a soft giggle in his ear and felt the pressure alleviate as Valerie sat up. She ran a hand through her blonde curls and sighed, but made no move to get completely off of him.
“That’s twice I’ve gotten you Brandon, baby. I thought you were supposed to be fast.” She goaded, her voice soft and sweeter than sugar. She got up from him but he was stuck to the ground, hearing his voice on her tongue made all of his defenses go slack.
“C’mon Brandon! You’re slacking-“ Lina yelled, only to be cut off by a little girl.
“Oh heck to the no! I know you guys did not start without me! Heaven help you if you did! What happened to the friends for life thing? You guys are some flat leaving- hey, who’s this dude? You finally replace me Luna? Who’s the chick? Who are these new people!? And another thing-“
“Sweet Jesus Izzy just shut your trap for a minute!” LunaRosa yelled, clutching her head. Isabel Mcreery giggled and shook her head, her braided pigtails moving with the movement.
“Seriously, though, who’re the new people?” She asked, putting her hands on her overall clad hips. Isabel was the only human friend the Greene’s had, and the only reason that happened was because Izzy wasn’t afraid to speak her mind and didn’t care if things had to get physical in order for her point to get across.
“Well, this is Ander and Anna. They’re from England.” Cara said, pointing to the twins as she named them.
“Ander? What kind of name is Ander?” Izzy asked, sneering his name and curling her lip as if it left a bad taste in her mouth.

“Who are you child?” Sarah asked, moving to her children and putting a hand on each shoulder. Anna discreetly moved away and Sarah couldn’t mask the look of hurt that quickly splayed there.
“On a more important note, who are you? I’ve never seen you around here, and I know about everyone in the state.” Izzy retorted, raising a brown brow.
“She’s from England too, she’s Ander and Anna’s mom.” Cara explained, humor lacing her voice. Izzy pouted and crossed her arms.
“She doesn’t sound like she came from England.”
“Boy, you sure do ask a lot of questions.” Drew said, sidling up next to Sarah. Izzy’s eyes widened as her mouth opened.
“Dude, you’re huge.” She whispered in awe, Drew smiled slightly and leaned on his knees.
“Nope, you’re just abnormally tiny.” That made Izzy snap out of her stupor and scrunch up her nose.
“Nuh uh, you’re just really tall. And stinky. And stupid.” Sarah tinkled out a small little laugh and shook her head.
“You, child, I’m gonna like.”

Cara, Brandon, Molly, Marissa, and Sarah lost the game. It was mostly Brandon’s fault and the let him know that.
“Do you not know what the meaning of tackle is, or were you just trying to sabotage the game?” Cara said exasperatedly as she bit into her pizza.
“Yes, because I love losing things.” Brandon said dryly, rolling his eyes’ in good humor as everyone else laughed.

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