» Fiction » Destined (To Be Yours) by Anaya Phoenix (books on motivation .txt) 📕

Book online «Destined (To Be Yours) by Anaya Phoenix (books on motivation .txt) 📕». Author Anaya Phoenix

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His mate was the only one he focused on though, her laugh was the only one he heard.
“I don’t mean to offend you, Brandon, but you do suck. You suck more than my mom’s vacuum cleaner.” Izzy said, then giggled as the Greene’s and the Mascot’s laughed.
“Your mom doesn’t even have a vacuum cleaner, Izzy, you guys have no carpet to vacuum.” Alissa said, wiping the corners of her mouth with a napkin.
“She could have a vacuum cleaner.” Isabel mumbled and ate the crust of her pizza, she was the only one in her ever growing family that did that. She couldn’t stand being like everyone else, so she did anything she could to be different.
“Speaking of your mom, aren’t you supposed to be heading home now Izzy?” Molly asked, getting up to get another piece of pizza. This would be her fifth.
“I told my dad I would be here, it’s all cool.” Izzy said nonchalantly, taking a sip of her soda.
“Izzy, I don’t want you to get in trouble for be-“ Molly said, starting to put down her pizza only to have to stop because Izzy had stood up.
“I said it was cool for me to be here, my dad said it was Ok so it’s fine!” She exclaimed her small face red and angry. Molly bit down on her lower lip and put her head down, she was submitting to a little girl. Jesse stood up and sighed.
“Wanna come outside and talk with me for a while?” He asked Izzy and the little girls eyes watered up as she nodded. Brandon looked down at his plate and played with his last little piece of pizza.
“What was that about?” Valerie asked, her voice sounding generally confused. Damn her for caring so much about everyone!

He thought to himself as he set his jaw.
“Izzy has a twin, Bella, most of the time Bella gets everything she wants and gets away with just about everything she does. Izzy doesn’t like it when she gets questioned, or gets in trouble for things that Bella wouldn’t have. That was my fault and I forgot.” Molly explained as she rubbed her forehead warily.
“She’ll be fine after she talks with Jesse, she normally is.” LunaRosa grumbled, picking at the sausage on her pizza. He saw Ander frown as he watched Luna from across the table and sighed mentally. Why couldn’t people just focus on their own things.
“Are you Ok?” Ander asked Luna, most people stiffened at the table and tried to play it off. There was just no way to play stress off, successfully.
“I’ll be fine when you and your brat go home.” She said conversationally, as if she said this every other day.
“Don’t talk about my sister like that.” He warned, his small hands gripping the table as if his life depended on it.
“What will you do about it if I don’t? Hit me? Can’t hit a girl, dude, it’s against the law.” Rosa taunted, smiling in victory when his eyes flashed to silver.
“In case you forget, luv, I don’t follow human rules. Neither do you. So I can punch you in the face right now, and nothing would happen to me. Because, like you said earlier, you’re a girl and girls can’t hit.” He taunted back and received a wordless snarl from the other end.
“Kids lets just calm-“ Valerie butted in, tying to be the voice of reason throughout the chaos.
“Really? ‘Cuz your broken nose last night says differently.” Rosa slashed at him, her hands shaking with barely there rage.
“That was just a lucky shot, I let you get it because I knew if I didn’t you’d run to your daddy crying about how mean I was to you.” Ander smirked, knowing he hit a nerve at her gasp. Magic tendrils swirled around Luna’s body as her nostril flared. He saw the move, was pretty sure everybody else saw the move, and reacted. In a blur he had moved Ander’s chair out of the way and took the blow for himself. And, boy, what a blow it was.

A screech was out of Valerie’s mouth before she could stop herself. She got up from her seat and flew to where her mate lay on his side, quivering in pain. She didn’t care that everyone around her tried to get her to calm down, didn’t care that Ander was trying to pull her off of him. The only thing she cared about was him, and the fact that his heart was beating way too fast.
“What the hell, LunaRosa!?” Molly screeched, walking to Brandon and kneeling down next to him. Her hand was about to touch hi but Valerie growled.
“Get the hell away from him, don’t touch him!” She yelled, bringing her mates body to her own. She cradled his head between her breasts and rocked him. She couldn’t stop his pain, not this time. This was meant to cause Ander pain, Ander. She probably could’ve fixed Ander, being that his body was small the spell would just paralyze his body. She could fix a paralyzed body, but she wasn’t this skilled. The spell churned in Brandon’s body, swirling and stabbing and burning. It was growing stronger, Valerie could feel it. The magic was starting to seep into his now pale skin. Thomas stepped to her, kneeling directly decide her but she ignored him. She just focused on rocking him back and forth, trying her best to soothe him. She didn’t even care that she was snotting herself.
“Valerie, you’ve got to-“
“Don’t tell me what I have to fucking do, Alpha, just leave me the hell alone.” Her voice wavered with emotion as the tears flowed down. She couldn’t stop them even if she wanted to.

“Valerie please-“ Brandon’s heart stuttered, and Thomas heard it. He looked to Valerie whose motions stilled and her face cleared.
“No, no, no Brandon. You stay with me, Ok? I just need you to stay with me. I didn’t hold in your pain for all these years, just for you to leave me. Just stay with me, Ok baby? And we can hug, and talk, and love each . Please just stay with me.”
“V-v-Valerie, I-I-I-“ Brandon stuttered out, trying to soothe his mates fast beating heart.
“No, hush. Just don’t talk. I love you, Ok? I always have. All the fights and the glares, it was all out of love.” She said and smiled, she was sweating with the amount of anger she had inside her that she was holding in.
“O-One k-k-kiss. J-j-just o-o-one.” He spit out and she nodded, her eyes watering as she put her lips on his. He kissed her back with the little bit of energy he had left, and she kissed him with as much fervor as she dared. After a while his lips stopped moving, his skin went cold, and the fight sagged away from his body.
“No.” She whispered, kissing his dead lips again wanting her presence to bring him back. It didn’t, nothing would ever bring him back. She slammed her lips on his again, and again, and again. He didn’t move, he didn’t speak, his heart didn’t beat. She knew then, as she looked at his pale handsome face, that Brandon Mitchell, her beautiful mate, was dead.

Chapter 10

Everyone stayed quiet, nobody moved a muscle as she wept for her mate. They all watched, in silent horror and grief, as Brandon’s inky eye color faded away to reveal beautiful hazel ones. She cried out, everything about him was perfect. She closed his beautiful, beautiful eyes and kissed each lid.
“I waited for you. I knew that sooner or later you’d have to change your mind about us. I would’ve waited for you until I was old and grey, just to hear to you say that you loved me. I’m gonna keep waiting, until my time is over. Then we can be together in Mates Paradise, where everything is exactly how we want it to be.” She whispered to him, aware that everyone watched her with teary eyes. She kissed his dead lips again and settled him onto the floor carefully. She picked up his hands and put them to her cheek, she sighed in soft contentment. She crossed his hands on his chest and closed her eyes. I need to leave, now. She stood and took a deep breath.

“I’m leaving, he was my only reason to be here. You probably won’t ever see me again, I only wish I could say that it would break my heart but I can’t. My heart is already broken beyond repair.” Her voice cracked and wavered with emotion as her lip quivered whenever she talked. She stopped and shook her head.
“Goodbye.” She said and transported herself… somewhere. She’d no idea where she was, only that it was cold. She didn’t mind, she couldn’t feel the cold. A strange heat seemed to wrap around her body as she walked to wherever. She appeared to be at a train station, a desolate one. She walked to where the tickets were sold and looked up at the board. So many places with so many strange names, but yet only one stuck out to her. Looking to the old greasy man with balding hair she summoned money in her hand and gave it to him.
“One way ticket to New York please.”

Jesse had sensed that there was a change in the house, which was why he had taken Isabel home. He hadn’t expected to come home to find their beta dead and his father furious.
“I take it you took Izzy home?” Molly asked, her breath low and filled with… something. He couldn’t put a finger on whether it was anger, sadness, or pure unbridled rage.
“Yeah, she’s safe at home. What happened?” Jesse whispered, moving closer, only to have to rear back at the scent of magic and death.
“Luna? What did you do?” Jesse asked softly, not raising his voice or putting any emotion in it.
“It was an accident, I didn’t mean for it to hit him.” She said in an almost pleading voice from the table, where she still sat with her head down.
“She meant for it to hit me, to kill me.” Ander spouted angrily, rage inhabiting every part of his body.
“It wouldn’t have killed you, you know I’m not capable of doing that. It would’ve paralyzed you for a day or so, Valerie could’ve fixed that.” She whined, scrunching her nose up.
“Wait a minute. You threw magic around?” He asked in a deathly low voice, looking her straight in the eye.
“Did you not hear Marissa the last time you tried to throw magic around?! You displace the order of the werewolf world and we lose! We cannot lose because of some stupid girls anger toward a boy!” Jesse roared, barely containing the beast within. LunaRosa closed her eyes and nodded.
“I’m sorry Jesse, I let my control slip for a moment, it won’t happen again.” She said soberly, looking down at the table and scratching her head. Marissa looked to him and nodded once, a thanks. He shrugged and looked to his parents.
“Want me to help put the youngest to sleep?” Their game had gone on for the majority of the day and he had no doubt that the youngest and the adults were probably tired as hell, that and the

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